Almost every blog on the web has a RSS feed to go along with it and those blogs (like mine) might have some trouble picking a good RSS icon for their site which they can include in posts, their blog theme or anywhere else on the site.
But, don’t worry – in this article, we’ll take a look at a few good RSS icons where you can find the right style to fit your site.
The ordinary plain RSS icon
We can start with the original RSS web icons by looking at the current set that is considered standard in most web browsers today. Originally started by the Mozilla Foundation, this set of RSS icons over at Feed Icons is probably the most basic and simple set you’ll find on the web, consisting of a few classic orange icons and a separate set of multicolored icons.
In addition to these two sets, a developer package is also available consisting of many different formats and sizes from 12×12 up to 128×128. The icons are available to download here and can be used for most purposes except for in logos, favicons and “non-open syndication formats”.
RSS icons with a bit of a twist
Another great set of RSS icons comes from 0at with a set of 15 free icons. The icons come in many different objects, including RSS bottles, books, printers, meat, sandwiches, omlettes, lights, melons and more (no, i’m not kidding!).
The download comes in a zip file and includes icons in high-quality JPEG and ZIP formats. The icons are free, but if you enjoy them, you’re encouraged to send a cup of coffee when you download them here.
A RSS cup of coffee
Brazilian designer Dirceu Veiga created another neat set of icons for Smashing Magazine.
Although it only contains eight icons total, they are pretty neat and include things like RSS billboards, coffee and even a man sitting on a bench reading an RSS newspaper.
While they are free to use on any project, the author does request a backlink if they are used. The icons come in ico, png and mac format in sizes from 16×16 and up to 512×512.
For a download and more information, see here.
Glossy color RSS icons
The next set comes from the Snap2Objects site and is a glossy version of the standard RSS icon in many, many different colors. Red, blue, green, black, grey and 25 other colors are available for download.
A great thing about this set is that all of the icons are in vector format as well, so you can resize the icons to your pleasure.
The icons are licensed under the Creative Commons 3.0 format with attribution required. Download the set from Snap2Objects here.
And finally…
Last but not least is the Feedicons RSS icon set from Zeusbox Studio.
This set is a little bit more widely-scoped and includes RSS logos with plus icons, minus icons, share icons as well as some others.
The entire set includes almost seventy icons and are in PNG and mac-friendly formats.
The set is available to download here and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license with no derivative works.
Do you have your own favourite site where you get your RSS icons from? Share the icon love and let us know in the comments below!
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