CBSE Class 10 Papers

CBSE or Central Board of Secondary Education conducts class 10 exams in the name of All India Secondary School Examination. Almost 9,689 schools are affiliated to CBSE and lakhs of students sit for the exam every year. Although the basic theme, testing the knowledge of the student, remains the same; there has been some changes made to the entire system ofexamination like inclusion of the grading system etc.

Besides, if you consider the examination pattern or you say the question patters as well, CBSE is about to bring into effect more short type questions and less subjective questions. Moreover, there will be a compulsory section of Multiple Choice Questions. As regards the maximum marks per paper is concerned, it is 100.

Now, how to score well in all the papers! Although CBSE has made it easy for the students by including more objective questions and a separate section on MCQ, students would now have to be very precise and well to the point. Apart from this, candidates would have to focus on key points of a particular chapter and last but not the least; solve as many sample papers as possible.


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