Have you ever wanted to watch free TV on your laptop on the go? You say, sure there is Hulu (which we have covered extensively here) and other sites that let me do that.
But how about one site that aggregates all the others and lets you watch them via one program interface that you could run on say your media center station showing on your TV or your laptop on the bus?
I have lots of AVI files of various shows that I watch but what about when I want to find stuff that I don’t know I want to see? Like long forgotten television shows from my past? Or how about movies I have never even heard of? What do I do then?
Well I think I’ve found a good place to head over to and download their player to watch TV on my PC for free.
According to their site :
Kiteplayer is the first TV player to include HQ TV streams online. Free TV on your PC. Get instant access to over 1,000 full featured films, 500+ TV shows, full-length movie channels, sports, news, music channels
No Spyware – No Hardware Required. Kiteplayer software is free to download and you can always get the latest version by clicking here.
So I grabbed the downloadable and installed it. After a little next next next action I was looking at the screen below. It is very simple to understand even your grandparents could use this. I mean, you click on a category and then a show and it plays – I mean could it be easier? Sure they could pick the show for you! But what fun would there be in that?
I started clicking around all excited – like a kid in a virtual candy store. And what do I see after only a few clicks?
I saw ALF. Now I had not see this in about 20 years so I immediately clicked on it and blam just like that it was playing.I continued looking and saw other gems like Family Guy and the Simpsons.
I was about to move on and check out the movies when something else caught my eye:
Yup it was almost every episode of X Men Evolution. Something I have been meaning to catch up on. And now that I take the bus to work in the morning this is all I need to make my commute pleasant!
So off to the movies:
I was expecting name after name of old movies I had already saw and I was pleasantly surprised with a list of titles I had never heard of. Let’s see what else we can find.
I jumped into music – specifically hip hop. This one was showing a little Cyprus Hills.
All in all there is a lot of entertainment here for everyone no matter what you like or hate.
What do you use to get your TV watching on – on the go? We would love to hear about it in the comments.
Editor’s Note : what you see on KitePlayer may vary depending on your IP address (where you are in the world).
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