Following are some of the most prestigious engineering schools in America:
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - MIT's School of Engineering is ranked top in U.S. News & World Report's Graduate Engineering Rankings 2010. It has 8 specialties ranked in the Top 3 positions nationally. It is ranked No. 1 for 5 specialties: Materials, Chemical, Mechanical, Electrical/ Electronic/ Communications, Aerospace/ Aeronautical/ Astronautical, and Computer Engineering.
Stanford University - ranked second top for graduate engineering and No. 1 in the following specialties: Computer Engineering, Environmental/Environmental Health, and Electrical/ Electronic/Communications.
The University of California, Berkeley - UC Berkeley is the Top 3 graduate engineering school, ranked in the Top 2 nationally for the following specialties: Civil (#1), Computer Science (#1), Chemical (#1), Electrical (#2), Environmental (#2), and Computer (#2).
Georgia Institute of Technology - Georgia Tech is rated in the Top 4 nationwide, with 10 programs rated in the top 10 list, including the Industrial (#1), Biomedical (#2), Aerospace (#4), Environmental engineering (#5), etc.
According to the US News rankings, the best graduate engineering school in the US is Massachusetts Institute of Technology (ranked #1 in 2010), while the Best Undergraduate Engineering School is MIT (#1 in 2009), followed by Stanford (=2nd) and UC Berkeley (=2nd).
US Top 10 Graduate Engineering Schools:
1. MIT
2. Stanford
3. UC-Berkeley
4. Georgia Tech
5. Illinois
6. Carnegie Mellon
7. Caltech
7. USC
9. Michigan
10. Texas
Source: US News & World Report 2010