Simple Ways to Save on Air Conditioning Costs

Small changes around the house can significantly reduce your air conditioning costs. Make over your home and your electric bill with these money-saving tips:

  • keep lamps and other heat producers away from the thermostat. They'll cause your air conditioner to run more than it needs to
  • upgrade to CFL bulbs. They generate significantly less heat than incanLinkdescent bulbs
  • turn off lights when not in use. Even CFL bulbs produce some heat
  • minimize the use of your oven. Microwaves, crockpots and toaster ovens are great warm-weather stand-ins
  • Wait until after the sun goes down to run your dishwasher, dryer and other heat-producing appliances
  • line-dry your clothes to avoid using the dryer all together
  • minimize the use of rock, cement and asphalt on the south and west sides of your house
  • close your fireplace flue to avoid losing cool air
  • plant for shade near your condenser unit. Cooler outdoor air means your HVAC system won't have to work as hard to cool your home
  • keep curtains and blinds closed during the heat of the day
  • use Smart Strips to turn off electronics that aren't in use. Anything that draws power also produces heat
  • insulate ductwork in attics, crawlspaces, garages and other unconditioned spaces
  • install reflective window tint on windows that get a lot of sun to minimize heat absorption
  • plant fast-growing shade trees along the south and west side of your house
  • get a yearly maintenance check of your system and change the filter regularly. A well-tuned system will run more efficiently
  • install a programmable thermostat. Then, set it to bump up the temperature when you aren't home

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