Manual GPRS Settings for Vodaphone Mobiles – 100% Working

This is the manual gprs settings for vodaphone for all states in india.i collected this free vodaphone gprs trick while surfing the net and i post it here for my readers.this settings successfull worked for using gprs free in a HTC mobile without subscribing to any of their pay plans.hope if works for you.
to activate free vodaphone gprs first who have to manually add these gprs settings and access points as given below in mobile,
First go to Settings -> Connections -> Hutch WAP (GPRS) (or create one if you dont have this already)
Connects to: Work
Access point is: portalnmms
User name: (empty)leave it
Password: (empty) leave it
Authentication type: Select the option ‘None’
Primary DNS: (empty)
2nd DNS: (empty)
IP Address:

Then go to Settings ->Proxy -> Hutch WAP Proxy (Again, create if you don’t have it already)
Connects from: Work
Connects to: WAP Network
Proxy (Name:port):
Type: Select ‘HTTP’
User Name: (empty)
Password: (empty)

Open Internet Explorer
-> Tool -> Options -> Connections
Un-check the Automatically Detect Settings option
Select Network: WAP Network and its done you will be able to use free internet or gprs in your mobile.i obtained this post from one of my co-bloggers and hope it works well for you.