IELTS exam in Australia - July 2009 (Academic Module)

A recent IELTS test in Australia had the following questions and topics - thanks to a kind anonymous student who sent me an update.

Listening test

Section 1: A man asking for information on walking trails.
Questions: Fill in the blanks (easy).

Section 2: About a part-time job for uni students.
Questions: Fill in the blanks and multiple choice questions.

Section 3: About an assignment (the speaker has a fairly strong English accent - hard for me to understand).
Questions: Fill in the blanks.

Section 4: About a shipping company.
Questions: Fill in the blanks and multiple choice.

Reading test

Passage 1: The text was about dinosaurs.
Questions: True/False/Not Given and fill in the blanks.

Passage 2: About tree canopy research.
Questions: Match the paragraph to the researcher’s name.

Passage 3: A text about advertising.
Questions: Name the paragraph, match the paragraph and fill in the blanks.

Writing test

Writing Task 1 (report)
We had two bar charts for the years 1970 and 2000 comparing percentage of men and women that are employed in four countries, namely Belgium, USA, Japan and Australia.

Writing Task 2 (essay)
Money for postgraduate research is limited. Financial support from the government should be put for scientific research instead of other less important subjects. To what extend do you agree?

Speaking test

- What is your name?
- Are you studying or working?
- What do you think about using museums and art galleries for educational purposes?
- What can students learn from them?

Cue card
Talk about something that you don’t know how to do now and would like to learn, you should say
- What it is
- How you will learn
- Who can teach you

- When did you start learning about the Internet?
- What are the advantages of the Internet?
- Will computers ever replace teachers? Do you agree or disagree?

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