Entrance Exams in abroad

Entrance Exams

AUCA Institutional Entrance Exams

AUCA administers two types of institutional entrance exams for students who are seeking admissions either to the undergraduate or graduate programs.

The first type of exam is the Mathematics Exam, which is used for admissions to Business Administration (both Bachelor’s and MBA), Economics, Psychology, Sociology*, and Software Engineering. The Mathematics Exam is a universal exam that tests a student’s knowledge of basic mathematics principles, including:

The second type of AUCA institutional entrance exam is a Written Essay Exam, which is used for admissions to American Studies, Anthropology, European Studies, International and Comparative Politics, Journalism, Law, and Sociology*. Essay Exams cover a variety of topics and test questions are developed by the departments.

*Note: Sociology applicants can take either the Mathematics Exam or Written Essay Exam but do not take both exams.

Registration for AUCA Institutional Entrance Exams
To register for the AUCA Institutional Entrance Exams, students must first submit an application for admissions to AUCA with the proper application fee of 500 Kyrgyz Soms ($15 US Dollars):
/en/admissions/Application_Form . Futhermore, only students who meet minimum English Test Requirements (either AUCA Test of English Language Proficiency, TOEFL, or IELTS) for admissions may sit for the AUCA Institutional Exams.
To sit for the exams offered in March, students must apply no later than February 27, 2009.
To sit for the exams offered in July, students must apply no later than July 3, 2009.

AUCA Institutional Entrance Exams Test Dates
The First Entrance Exams will take place March 7 – 13, 2009.
The Second Entrance Exams will take place July 6 – 12, 2009

Prepare for the AUCA Institutional Exams

AUCA Test of English Language Proficiency (TOELP)

To determine students level of English Proficiency, AUCA administers the AUCA Test of English Language Proficiency. TOEFL and IELTS are also accepted by AUCA for proving English Proficiency.

Registration for AUCA Test of English Language Proficiency
American University of Central Asia offers the AUCA Test of English Language Proficiency at the AUCA Campus in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. The AUCA Test of English Language Proficiency is only valid for admissions to AUCA and cannot be used for admissions to any other institution.

To register for the AUCA Test of English Language Proficiency, students must first submit an application for admissions to AUCA with the proper application fee of 500 Kyrgyz Soms ($15 US Dollars): /en/admissions/Application_Form .

Second, students must submit the following documents at least 2 days prior to the AUCA Test of English Language Proficiency Test Date (Test dates available in the Office of Admissions, Room 111):

  • Participant registration form (available in the Office of Admissions, Room 111)
  • Original and photocopy of Passport (or Birth Certificate and photo id if no passport student does not have a passport)
  • 2 color photographs (3 x 4 cm)
  • Receipt for 1000 Kyrgyz Soms (approximately $30 US Dollars) for the AUCA Test of English Language Proficiency Examination Fee (to be paid directly to the AUCA Cashier, Room 102b)

AUCA Test of English Language Proficiency (TOELP) Procedures

  • Each applicant for the AUCA Test of English Language Proficiency must register in-person for the AUCA Test of English Language Proficiency
  • The Office of Admissions Staff must confirm the identity of each test-taker
  • Each applicant must complete the AUCA Test of English Language Proficiency Registration Form and provide necessary 3 x 4 cm photographs
  • Each applicant will be given a registration number for the AUCA Test of English Language Proficiency
  • Registration for the AUCA Test of English Language Proficiency ends on the Wednesday prior to the date of examination
  • Registered applicants are allowed to sit only for the specified AUCA Test of English Language Proficiency Test Date for which they registered
  • On the date of the AUCA Test of English Language Proficiency, applicants are admitted to the test site based on verification of personal documents (passport or birth certificate are required to enter the test)

TOEFL - Test of English as a Foreign Language

The TOEFL – Test of English as a Foreign Language is used by AUCA to determine the English language ability of all non-native English speakers who seek admission to either the undergraduate or graduate programs. Applicants may take the Official TOEFL Exam through Educational Testing Services.

Registration for Official TOEFL with Educational Testing Services
Students who are unable to sit for the AUCA Test of English Proficiency in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan should register for the Official TOEFL exam with a local testing center. To register for the Official TOEFL, students must visit the TOEFL website,
www.toefl.org or select a testing center and test date for the TOEFL by visiting http://www.ets.org/bin/getprogram.cgi?test=toefl . The Official TOEFL is administered at hundreds of testing centers all around the world.

Practice the TOEFL

Reporting Official TOEFL Results to AUCA
TOEFL results can be reported through the Educational Testing Service (ETS) at
www.toefl.org. Student applicants must request that the TOEFL testing center send the results to American University of Central Asia. TOEFL test scores will be automatically sent without extra cost to AUCA if, during testing, the student writes American University of Central Asia's four-digit code (0419) in the space provided on the TOEFL test answer sheet.

IELTS - English for International Opportunity

The IELTS – English for International Opportunity is used by AUCA to determine the English language ability of all non-native English speakers who seek admission to either the undergraduate or graduate programs.

Registration for IELTS
To register for the IELTS, students must visit the IELTS website,
www.ielts.org ; students must register for the IELTS directly with a Test center using the IELTS Application form http://www.ielts.org/pdf/IELTS_Application_Form.pdf .
Test centers can be found here:
Test dates can be found here:

Practice the IELTS

Reporting IELTS Results to AUCA
IELTS results can be reported to American University of Central Asia by IELTS – English for International Opportunity http://www.ielts.org/default.aspx

Undergraduate Institution Code: 8306

Graduate/MBA Institution Code: 8305

IELTS is jointly owned by the British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia, and the University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations.

SAT REASONING TEST (for Undergraduate/Bachelor’s Program Admissions)

The SAT Reasoning Test is an independent, English-language admissions exam used by AUCA for the purpose of admissions to the AUCA bachelor’s degree programs. Students who wish to enter AUCA may submit the SAT Reasoning Test instead of taking the AUCA Entrance Exams. The SAT Reasoning Test is administered around the world in hundreds of locations on 6 separate testing dates in the months of October, November, December, January, May, and June.

The SAT Reasoning Test has three basic areas: Critical Reading, Mathematics, and Writing. The critical reading section tests reading comprehension, sentence completions, and paragraph-length critical reading tasks. The mathematics section tests students’ knowledge of numbers and operations; algebra and functions; geometry; and statistics, probability, and data analysis (there is no calculus tested on the SAT). Finally, the writing section tests a student’s knowledge of grammar, word usage, and word choice by using both multiple-choice questions and written essays.

Registration for SAT
To register for the SAT Reasoning Test, students must visit the SAT registration page
http://www.collegeboard.com/student/testing/sat/reg.html and register either online or by mail.
Test centers can be found here:
Test dates can be found here:

Practice the SAT

Reporting SAT Results to AUCA
SAT results can be reported through the College Board at
http://www.collegeboard.com/student/testing/sat/scores.html . Student applicants must request that the College Board send the SAT results to American University of Central Asia. SAT test scores will be automatically sent without extra cost to AUCA if, during testing, the student writes American University of Central Asia's four-digit code (5825) in the space provided on the SAT test answer sheet.

ACT TEST (for Undergraduate/Bachelor’s Program Admissions)

The ACT Test is an independent, English-language admissions exam used by AUCA for the purpose of admissions to the AUCA bachelor’s degree programs. Students who wish to enter AUCA may submit the ACT Test instead of taking the AUCA Entrance Exams. The ACT Test is administered around the world in hundreds of locations on 5 separate testing dates in the months of October, December, February, April, and June.

The ACT Test has four basic areas: English, Reading, Mathematics, and Science Reasoning. The English section tests usage/mechanics, punctuation, grammar and usage, sentence structure, rhetorical skills, strategy, organization, and style. The Reading section tests a student’s ability to determine main ideas, locate and interpret significant details, make comparisons, comprehend cause-effect relationships, determine the meaning of context, draw generalizations, and analyze the author’s or narrator’s voice and method. The Mathematics section tests students’ knowledge of math, including numbers and operations; algebra and functions; geometry; statistics, probability, and data analysis (there is no calculus tested on the ACT). Finally, the Science section measures the skills required in the natural sciences: interpretation, analysis, evaluation, reasoning, and problem solving.

Registration for ACT Test
To register for the ACT Test, students must visit the ACT registration page
http://www.actstudent.org/regist/index.html and register online (if testing outside of the US, Canada, or Puerto Rico).
International test centers and test dates can be found here:

Practice the ACT Test

Reporting ACT Results to AUCA
ACT Test results can be reported to AUCA by submitting a request at http://www.actstudent.org/scores/send/index.html . Student applicants must request that ACT send the ACT Test results directly to American University of Central Asia. ACT test scores will be automatically sent without extra cost to AUCA if, during testing, the student writes American University of Central Asia's four-digit school code (5479) in the space provided on the ACT test answer sheet.

GMAT – MBA Admissions Test (for Graduate/MBA Admissions)

The GMAT is an independent, English-language admissions exam used by AUCA for the purpose of admissions to the AUCA Master’s of Business Administration (MBA) degree program. Students who wish to enter AUCA may submit the GMAT instead of taking the AUCA Entrance Exams for the MBA Program. The GMAT is administered around the world in hundreds of locations in 94 countries; furthermore, the GMAT test is available in most locations 6 days per week, all year round.

The GMAT consists of three basic areas: Analytics, Quantitative Problem Solving, and Verbal Skills. The Analytical Writing section requires the student to write two essays, analyzing an issue and analyzing an argument. The Quantitative section tests students’ knowledge of arithmetic, elementary algebra, and geometry and tests a student’s ability to analyze a problem, recognize relevant information, and determine when there is sufficient information to solve a problem. Finally, the Verbal section tests student’s ability to read and comprehend written material, reason and evaluate arguments, and correct written material to conform to standard written English.

Registration for GMAT
To register for the GMAT, students must visit
http://www.mba.com/mba/TaketheGMAT or here and register either online, by phone, or by mail.
Test centers can be found here.

Practice the GMAT

Reporting GMAT Results to AUCA
GMAT results can be reported through the Graduate Management Admissions Council by submitting a request at
http://www.mba.com/mba/TaketheGMAT . Student applicants must request that the GMAC send the GMAT results to American University of Central Asia. GMAT test scores will be automatically sent without extra cost to AUCA if, during testing, the student indicates that they would like scores submitted to American University of Central Asia. The institution code to use is S2B-2G-87 .

GRE Graduate Record Examination (for Graduate/MBA Admissions)

The GRE Graduate Record Examination is an independent, English-language admissions exam used by AUCA for the purpose of admissions to the AUCA Master’s of Business Administration degree program. Students who wish to enter AUCA may submit the GRE General Test instead of taking the AUCA Entrance Exams for the MBA Program. The GRE computer-based test is administered around the world in hundreds of locations year-round, but the GRE paper-based test (offered in areas where the computer-based test is not available) is typically only offered in October and in February.

The GRE General Test has three basic areas: Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, and Analytical Writing. The Verbal Reasoning section tests a student’s ability to analyze and evaluate written material and synthesize information obtained from it, analyze relationships among component parts of sentences, and recognize relationships between words and concepts. The Quantitative Reasoning section tests a student’s understanding of basic concepts of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data analysis as well as the ability to reason quantitatively and solve problems in a quantitative setting. Finally, the Analytical Writing section tests a student’s ability to articulate complex ideas clearly and effectively, examine claims and accompanying evidence, support ideas with relevant reasons and examples, sustain a well-focused, coherent discussion, and control the elements of standard written English.

Registration for GRE General Test
To register for the GRE General Test, students must visit the GRE registration page and register either online, by phone, or by mail.
Test centers can be found here.
Test dates can be found here.

Practice the GRE General Test

Reporting GRE Results to AUCA
GRE results can be reported through the ETS by submitting a request at
https://web1.gre.org/GreWebReg/asrLogin.jsp . Student applicants must request that the ETS send the GRE results to American University of Central Asia. GRE test scores will be automatically sent without extra cost to AUCA if, during testing, the student writes American University of Central Asia's four-digit code (0419) in the space provided on the GRE test answer sheet.